Read People Like Books With These 5 Psychological Tricks

Some people are just naturally nice, and people seem to like being around them. It can be challenging to pinpoint exactly what it is that attracts us to a person. It might be their smile, their wit, their charm, the way they speak, or even the energy they exude.

However, not everyone finds these things to be so simple. If someone does not instantly fall in love with you after meeting you, it does not necessarily follow that you will never have the chance to become their friend.

Many people think that being nice is something we are born with and cannot be acquired. This is untrue, and fortunately, emotional intelligence (EQ) allows us to all have some control over how we influence others.

In a UCLA study, participants were asked to rank more than 500 descriptors according to how important they thought they were to likeability. Contrary to popular assumption, the most valued traits were sincerity, transparency, and understanding rather than attractiveness or intelligence.

So, here are some psychological gimmicks to make others like you and hasten the formation of friendships:

  1. Invest more time with them

Things that are known to people are liked by them. Spending more time with people will increase their opinion of you.

In the 1950s, researchers at MIT discovered that undergraduate students in housing projects who lived close to one another were more likely to be friends than those who lived farther apart. They may have passive daily encounters, like greeting each other in the common area, to blame for this.

Another investigation was carried out by psychologists at the University of Pittsburgh. Each of the four women made an irregular number of appearances in class while posing as a student in a university psychology course. Male students exhibited a larger affinity for the women they had seen more frequently in class when they were shown images of the women.

  1. Highlight your similar principles

The similarity-attraction effect is what is meant by this. According to Theodore Newcomb’s study, people preferred others who shared more of their attitudes. As a result, constantly look for and concentrate on where you and the other person are similar.

  1. Good feeling

Positivity should be your main goal if you want to make the people around you happy. People become emotionally contagious when they are adversely affected by the emotions of others.

People can unknowingly sense the emotions of those around them, according to a study from the Universities of Hawaii and Ohio. We have a tendency to become more upbeat when around other optimists.

  1. Smile

According to studies, humans prefer those who grin, therefore if you meet someone with a smile at first, there is a greater likelihood that they will remember you afterwards.

  1. Imitate them

This tactic, referred to as mirroring, is widely used. You should make an effort to subtly mimic the movements, body language, and facial expressions during the dialogue.

Researchers from New York University did a study in 1999 to look into the “chameleon effect,” which is when people unintentionally replicate one another’s behavior, which fosters liking. Three levels of mimicry were used by the pairings of seventy-eight women and men.

Participants were asked to rate how much they liked their spouses after researchers had surreptitiously videotaped the conversations. In fact, many admitted that they liked their partners better when he mimicked their actions.

You will be happy with the outcome if you use these strategies!

Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

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