Farting in front of your partner makes your relationship stronger and healthier!

Milestones are the foundation of relationships. Being exclusive, checking your partner’s phone, getting to know his parents…

Did you know that the “nastiest habit” is also the one that will improve your bond the most, though? It’s farting.

You definitely felt the want to “let one rip” if you spend a lot of time with your lover or have even slept over a few times. However, suppressing your gas may be very unhealthy for your stomach and your health, and it may make you feel really uncomfortable.

According to the study, once couples get over the awkwardness of farting in front of a new partner, it “seems to open up a whole new period of openness, honesty, and trust.”

The next and deeper stage of their relationships begins for the couples that successfully navigate this phase, which may be characterized as a significant portion of one’s intimate and personal space. The sooner you finish this, the more likely it is that you will remain together and lead healthier lives.

Additionally, can you picture engaging in a “horizontal marathon” with someone for such an extended period of time without experiencing nausea? You should be your true self in a relationship, especially in the beginning, to present yourself, your routines, and your hobbies.

Therefore, maybe the next time you experience the impulse to strike out, you’ll be prepared and won’t hesitate should you give an explanation or choose to ignore it.

Image by cookie_studio on Freepik

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